Saturday, April 16, 2011

We've Come A Long Way Baby...

One year ago right now I was chasing my daughter down the middle of the street in our neighborhood, praying that no cars would come by. At the same time, I was on the phone with a 911 operator trying to explain the situation... I have an 11 year old bipolar child who is trying to run away from home and I need help transporting her to the hospital. This was the beginning of a very long day, a very long week, and a very long year. I am so thankful that this morning my daughter woke up smiling and happy. She is not suicidal, nor is she considering running away from home. She has a fun day planned with friends, we have a new medicine to try for the anxiety that rules her thinking, and the outlook on the future looks a little brighter. Is she completely healthy and stable? Not by a long shot! She is still all over the board as far as emotions. But at least for this very moment we are in a much better place than we were a year ago today. Thank you God!!!


  1. Praise the Lord for a good day today! Can't believe it's been a year. You're always in our thoughts and prayers.
    Much love,


    I love Sally Clarkson, she speaks to the heart of a mom. They have a son with a lot of issues and it's been a long but fruitful journey with their son.

  3. Praise God! It helps to look back sometimes to see all we’ve been through to remind ourselves that we are survivors and that our children can get better, even if they aren't healed.
